International Conference on Complex Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics

(February 16 -18, 2024)
Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences
KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India
Abstract Submission Deadline
January 15, 2024
January 31, 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification
January 15, 2024
January 31, 2024
Registration Deadline
January 31, 2024
February 10, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline
February 10, 2024
About the conference
The objective of this International Conference is to bring together academicians, researchers, and leading scientists to exchange innovative ideas, methods, results, and discuss on recent developments related to complex analysis and computational fluid dynamics. Complex analysis provides a solid foundation for understanding the mathematical aspects of CFD, leading to more accurate and reliable simulations. Complex analysis techniques are often used to solve problems and analyze flow patterns involving complex, nonlinear equations and boundary value problems in CFD. The mathematical tools and insights of complex analysis can significantly enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and understanding CFD simulations making it a valuable field for interdisciplinary research area. By bringing researchers from these areas together, this conference can facilitate discussions on novel approaches, solutions to challenging CFD problems, collaborations, exchange of knowledge and encourage interdisciplinary research.
Key Features
- A common platform for Academia-Industry people to participate and interact from all over the world
- Keynote/invited lectures on Complex Analysis & Computational Fluid Dynamics from international as well as national experts, well recognized in the related fields
- Original papers submitted would be peer reviewed by international as well as national scientific community to ensure high quality papers
- All the papers accepted for oral presentation in will be published in SCOPUS indexed Conference Proceedings like AIP/springer Conference proceedings
- Selected papers based on the oral presentation will be be selected for publication in special issues of SCI/SCOPUS indexed journal following standard peer review process of respective journals.
Who can attend
- People from Academics (Universities/Institutes) and industries
- Research Scholars, Scientists and Researchers from different organizations
- Members of various professional bodies.

About Department of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, KIIT DU shares the vision of the institute for achieving the excellence in teaching and research. Department of Mathematics offers post graduate (M. Sc in Mathematics with Data Science) and Ph.D. programmes. The department also supports all the engineering and Science departments by offering core and interdisciplinary courses for under graduate (B. Tech) and post graduate (M.Tech./M. Sc./Ph.D.) programmes. At present Department of Mathematics have 45 faculty members having their degrees from IITs, NITs, and abroad. The Department has research scholars working in the diverse areas of Pure/ Applied Mathematics and Statistics.The department regularly organizes conferences, seminars and workshops to maintain a vibrant atmosphere.
About KIIT Deemed to be University
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) was founded by Prof. Achyuta Samanta in 1992-93 with an objective to provide quality education & research with specific attention to Universal access to education & equity. The commitment to teaching excellence led it to the grant of University status under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 in 2004. It offers a wide range of programs to students applying for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Engineering, Science, Management, Medicine, Health Sciences, Agriculture, Law & Humanities. KIIT has been engaged in nurturing minds through a rich heritage of academic excellence. Essentially a hub of bustling student activities, the green and beautiful campus has been a second-home to thousands of students in their journey to pursue higher education. Now the Institute enjoys an unsurpassed reputation in academia and corporate circles and recognized as a world-class learning institution. KIIT has been ranked number one among the private higher education institutions by ARIIA & ranked 16 th among Indian Universities by NIRF. It is also accredited by NAAC (A++), NBA (Tier 1), IET and ABET.

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Dr. Ranjan Kumar Nayak, M: 8144009048
Dr. Manas Ranjan Mohapatra, M: 8989833623
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]